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TechMarketView wants to hear from UKHotViews readers about how you view the current state of the UK tech scene.
The UK tech market and its suppliers has been through the wringer over the last few years having navigated the complexities of Brexit, a global pandemic, geopolitical turbulence, and an energy crisis. The economic consequences – and hence the impact on businesses – has been significant.
However, we have also witnessed a period of impressive innovation, which has often required wider cultural and organisational transformation. Enormous change over a short period of time has been accelerated by the need to work from home, the increasing expectations of consumers and employees, and the emergence of promising emerging technologies, such as GenAI, IoT, and Digital Twins.
Of course, the other big news for the country is the election of a new Labour government. And, with all this context in mind, we are launching our new Tech Confidence Index (TCI) a six-monthly survey tracking the confidence of the UK technology sector via a short online questionnaire taking just 5 minutes to complete.
One of TechMarketView’s unique strengths is our ‘community’ of more than 20,000 technology industry professionals who read the daily UKHotViews newsletter. In the past, we have gauged opinions via our extensive conversations with CXOs within the industry. However, we would like to make sure we are casting the net wider and ‘taking the temperature’ of the UK tech market in a more consistent way, enabling us to monitor changes over time. As such, we would really appreciate your input, by clicking on the link below and sharing your opinion with us.
We are keen that this TechMarketView TCI tool become a bellwether for the state and prospects of UK tech. We will make the results available to all who want access it rather than it being the preserve of TechMarketView subscribers.
Please share a few minutes of your time, as the quality of the data will depend on the number and variety of the responses we gather.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:30'