Tuesday 20 August 2024

Dive into UK Market Trends & Forecasts 2024

Time to take a break from the swim-up pool and the ferrying of children to holiday clubs to dive into the latest Market Trends & Forecasts….

Out now, Market Trends & Forecasts 2024 is the epitome of everything that defines and differentiates TechMarketView, covering Data, Depth, and Disruption.

The report is founded on months and months of DATA collection and analysis by the incredible TechMarketView analyst team. The painstaking work we do – involving detailed bottom-up revenue analysis of 100s of companies – ensures we have a firm grip on the performance of the UK Software and IT Services market. It shines a light on the DEPTH of understanding across the team, which comes as a result of 100s of conversations across the industry with both suppliers and end user organisations. Our commitment to both DATA and DEPTH enables us to cut through the tech market hype and give a realistic picture of the true level of DISRUPTION taking place. mtf

In this year’s report, we highlight how our TechMarketView's research theme for 2024 – Enabling Acceleration – has become increasingly pertinent as we head through the year. The pressure felt by organisations to keep pace with the speed of technological innovation and maintain competitiveness has intensified, driven by the excitement around the possibilities of Generative AI (GenAI).

Perhaps counterintuitively, this year there has to some extent been a negative impact on the UK tech market. One outcome of the over-excitement has been the willingness of organisations to drop or delay other ICT transformation projects and divert attention to GenAI. However, to date, the vast majority of those GenAI activities remain in the advisory or experimentation stage. The UK SITS market actually shrank in real terms in 2023 with excitement yet to translate into a market boom. So far, only a handful of organisations – notably the hyperscalers – have materially benefited.

READ Market Trends & Forecasts 2024 for more.....

If you are not yet a subscriber or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Belinda Tewson, who will be more than happy to help.

Why not make the absolute most of being part of the TechMarketView community and JOIN US at our event on 26th September in London? TechMarketView’s annual event is the industry’s premium networking event, where analysts, tech buyers, and suppliers can exchange views on the realities of the market in 2024.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:45' - Tagged: markettrends   marketdata  

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