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The 2024 version of the UK Applications Operations Market: Suppliers, Trends & Forecasts report is now available to download. Containing our latest market size and forecast data, along with both insights into the dynamics and key trends shaping demand, plus analysis of the challenges facing suppliers and recommendations for how to move forward, it is vital reading for AO service providers operating in the UK. The report also contains the Top 20 Supplier Ranking (by revenue) for the UK AO market, together with commentary on the up-and-coming players making noteworthy progress in this most competitive of arenas.
After two years of acceleration, the pace of growth in UK demand for AO services eased down in 2023. Sales of these offerings for the period were, nonetheless, up by a respectable 5%. As “run” budgets come under increasing pressure to release funds for AI-driven investment in the face of continuing economic headwinds, however, we anticipate that the rate of AO market expansion will remain subdued for the foreseeable future.
Despite the softer demand outlook, the incremental revenue opportunities within this segment are still substantial, albeit they will not be easy to grasp. Buying decisions will remain under close scrutiny and compelling AO propositions will need to not only guarantee the rapid realisation of significant cost savings, but also materially enhance customer agility.
If you are a subscriber to TechSectorViews click here to download the UK Applications Operations Market: Suppliers, Trends and Forecast 2024 report. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to gain access the report and our other research and services please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '09:17' - Tagged: forecasts applications newresearch operations market trends supplier rankings