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For the most comprehensive understanding of the UK’s Business Process Services supplier landscape for next year and beyond, read BPS Supplier Prospects 2018.
The report looks at the leading players in the UK BPS market, and assesses what they will need to do to be successful from 2018 onwards. We also provide our view on the likely hurdles that will prevent suppliers reaching their potential in the short and mid-term.
The BPS market is going through a period of unprecedented change and all the major suppliers are having to adapt to the conditions. New greenfield and ‘big-ticket’ opportunities are in short supply at a time when intelligent automation is shaking up existing business models. Buyers are looking for partners who can deliver greater flexibility and demonstrate faster results.
If you are either a BPS provider looking to understand how the competition is gearing up for 2018, or a buyer of business services looking to evaluate potential suppliers, then this is the report for you.
If you would like to access the report (which is authored by Research Director, Marc Hardwick) and are not currently a subscriber to our Business Process Services research, please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '20:00' - Tagged: RPA