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Accelerating the pace of digital adoption at scale must be the priority to re-ignite sluggish Enterprise Software & Application Services market growth.
Click here to download the Enterprise Software & Application Services Supplier Prospects 2018 report for insight into how the top suppliers in the UK tech market are tackling this challenge.
While there have been encouraging signs that the newer digital enabling technologies are maturing and moving into ‘operations’ mode, buyers remain nervous and skeptical about the business value achievable which is a real give away that the tipping point has not yet been reached. The question then, is ‘what action can suppliers take?’.
That's the market context for the latest research from the ESASViews stream. The ESAS Supplier Prospects 2018 report provides insight and analysis into the challenges facing suppliers over the coming year, what they need to do to be successful and highlights ways to win in the longer term. The report also includes profiles of the top 10 ESAS suppliers to the UK market.
If you are an existing ESASViews subscriber you’ll know you can access the report by clicking the link above. If you’d like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.
Posted by Angela Eager at '17:57' - Tagged: software trends rankings applications