Friday 22 December 2017

OUT NOW: Internet of Things and IT services providers

In case you missed them, there were two key TechMarketView reports in 2017 looking at how the progression of the Internet of Things (IoT) might impact IT services suppliers.

Firstly, in Internet of Things: Time for IT services providers to accelerate their strategies?, we investigated what IT services providers could be doing to position themselves for future opportunities as they flow through. iotWe also examined some of the use cases that have emerged recently and took a look at how some suppliers are positioning themselves for success. This report is available to subscribers of our InfrastructureViews research. 

Secondly, in Internet of Things: Network providers push to supplant IT services players, we assessed UK network providers and their strategies for taking a larger slice of IoT revenue. UK network infrastructure is a rare and prized asset that puts connectivity suppliers at the centre, but not necessarily the front, of the expanding IoT service chain. IT services players cannot match those assets and must partner with those same telco, mobile network operators and network service providers to deliver their own IoT platforms whilst simultaneously competing with them to overlay management services and own the customer relationship. This report is available to subscribers of our SecureConnectViews research.

For more information on accessing TechMarketView research, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '06:44' - Tagged: networkservices  

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