Tuesday 12 February 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Musing on the Mid-Tier Indian pure-plays

chartWhile the Top 6 Indian pure-plays (IPPs) have been struggling for growth in recent times, the mid-tier suppliers have generally shown them a clean pair of heels with double-digit growth rates.

Having revenues broadly between $500m-$1bn, there is much speculation about consolidation among the mid-tier players to create more formidable competition for the top tier suppliers.

In the latest edition of OffshoreViews, TechMarketView managing partner Anthony Miller takes a closer look at the mid-tier players and speculates on whether there are indeed any ‘marriages to be made in heaven’!

Plus there’s the usual Snapshot summaries of the Top Tier IPPs and all sorts of colourful charts to enlighten the uninformed on the state of play among the offshore services market leaders.

Subscribers to the TechMarketView Foundation Service can download OffshoreViews Q4 2018 Review right here, right now!

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:13' - Tagged: offshore  

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