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Every company is a software company. Every company is a technology company. Every company is a data company. These well used phrases are employed by companies, and about companies, who would not conventionally be described as technology providers.
There is an element of ‘tech-washing (merely using tech within a company does not make a tech company). Others are enabled or even reliant on technology (e.g. Facebook, Uber, Spotify, Netflix) but tech is not their raison d'être. However, more and more businesses whose foundations are in non-technical areas are not just buying and relying on software, they are acquiring software and services companies to improve customer experience in both the physical and digital worlds.
In UKHotViewsExtra we examine the moves by fast food provider McDonalds and food delivery service Just Eat to acquire software startups Dynamic Yield and Practi respectively, and the implications for software and service providers. TechMarketView subscribers - including UKHotViews Premium subscribers: click to read the ‘CX improvement driving non-tech businesses into software company acquisition’ analysis.
Posted by Angela Eager at '07:07' - Tagged: acquisition software digital customerexperience machinelearning