Friday 26 April 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Another Year Another $1Billion – the SI Creative Agency Spending Spree Continues

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Last year we published our first report on the push by Systems Integrators (SI’s) into the Creative Design Agency arena. At that time, half of the companies which feature in TechMarketViews’ Top 10 ranking of UK application services (AS) providers and eight of the Top 20 had made company purchases in this space spending over $5bn in the process. Judging by how well both the acquired personnel had been retained and the associated skills pools expanded, the creative agency gamble appeared to be paying-off.

Twelve months on and this particular spending spree shows no sign of abating. The last year has seen a further sixteen creative agencies snapped up by the leading SI’s for a total price tag that we estimate is in excess of $1bn. The jury remains out, however, over whether this proving to be money well spent. Just how successful are the acquiring SI’s being at bringing these new capabilities fully into the mainstreams of the businesses to generate increased market leverage?

Click to download Another Year Another $1Billion – the SI Creative Agency Spending Spree Continues for both answers to these questions and fresh insights into this huge industry play.

This paper examines the increasingly strategic role of design in the digital era, updates the picture who’s been buying who and considers both the impacts on and the responses by the advertising and branding industry from this continuing acquisition spree. It also looks at the how well SI’s are dealing with the integration challenges posed by these new, increasingly essential, but very different talents.

If you are an existing subscriber to our ESASViews you’ll know you can access the report by clicking the link above. If you’d like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.

Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '07:59' - Tagged: marketing   digital   newresearch   designthinking  

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