Monday 02 March 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* NHSX details vision for NHS Tech Plan

NHSX logoNHSX will be engaging on a Tech Plan for health and care throughout Spring and Summer 2020. It is looking for stakeholders to participate in the development of the plan to ensure it supports the health and care system to deliver the ambition set out in the NHS Long Term Plan, NHS Tech Vision, and the forthcoming NHS People Plan.

The vision for the Tech Plan is for the NHS to become a truly data-driven system, where everyone is treated as an individual; clinicians are provided with the time to care for patients; and the system is constantly optimised through data, analytics and research.

NHSX has also just published the draft NHS Digital Technology Standard, which is intended to consolidate and replace existing standards providing clearer guidance for developers. It is part of its wider programme of work to speed up how health technologies are reviewed, commissioned and scaled across the NHS and social care.

UKHotViews Premium LogoPart of the responsibility for ensuring the vision is realised will fall to Sonia Patel who has been named as the new Chief Information Officer for NHSX. She is currently Joint CIO at London North West Healthcare NHS Trust and The Hillingdon Hospitals Foundation Trust and will join NHSX in the summer.

UKHotViews Premium and research subscribers can read more about the NHS Tech Plan and Digital Technology Standard here.

For more information about TechMarketView's subscription services please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Dale Peters at '10:18' - Tagged: nhs   strategy   digital   interoperability   healthcare  

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