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Last week, TechMarketView launched UK SITS Market Trends and Forecasts 2021, our annual report on the trends and forecasts in the UK Software and IT Services market.
We’re already hearing from many clients about how useful the report is and, in partcular, how much they appreciate the level of detail it provides.
To accompany the report, we have also published a spreadsheet containing our market model (see UK SITS Market Forecasts 2021 (Excel)) and a document describing in detail how we define the market segments (see Market models descriptions and definitions). Both documents are incredibly useful for fully understanding the shape and evolution of the market.
Consulting all three documents will give readers the best understanding of the UK Software and IT Services market. In addition, some clients are choosing to bring in one of our market specialists to discuss the trends, forecasts and players in greater depth, and how they apply to their organisations.
UK SITS Market Trends and Forecasts 2021, UK SITS Market Forecasts 2021 (Excel) and Market models descriptions and definitions are only available to TechMarketView’s Foundation Service clients.
To become a client or to engage with an analyst, please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:30' - Tagged: markettrends forecasts