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Over two days of Atos Technology Days we learnt of the next evolution in Atos’ strategy. In line with TechMarketView’s ‘Reset & Reimagine’ research theme, the company is drawing on its years of investment in cloud, digital, security, and decarbonisation, and turning its attention to ‘digital platforms’. The move answers end user demands for an accelerated journey to digital, more easily consumable products and services, and the desire to leverage the value of data across their ecosystems to respond to heightened customer expectations. It also aims to further enhance the company’s strategic positioning as a leader in secure, decarbonised, digital.
Core the new strategy is the Atos Digital Hub, described as an “accelerator for the building of ecosystem platforms”.... Read more in UKHotViewsExtra.
If you do not know how to access this research - and want to find out more about the Atos Digital Hub and how Atos is taking it to market, please contact Deb Seth to find out how to become a subscriber.
Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '10:25' - Tagged: digital data platforms