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The UK public sector is a unique and important market for cyber security products and services. Cyber security is inextricably linked to national security, with most of the public sector coming within the formal definition of critical national infrastructure. It is a key pillar of defence and foreign policy, with cyber attacks considered a ‘tier one’ threat alongside war and natural disasters. The role of the Government and wider public sector in protecting citizens and the economy, and guarding the integrity of critical national infrastructure, make public bodies a target for nation state actors, terrorists and criminal gangs alike.
This report analyses the particular threats and vulnerabilities that public bodies must respond to, considering each sub-sector separately, along with current cyber security policy and procurement trends. It provides a list of top suppliers, an estimate of the current market size and recommendations for cyber security suppliers wishing to work with the public sector.
If you are an existing PublicSectorViews or TechSectorViews subscriber, you can read Cyber security in the public sector: challenges and opportunities now. If you’d like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:08' - Tagged: research government cyber public+sector