Friday 30 July 2021

*NEW RESEARCH* UK Infrastructure Operations Supplier Rankings 2021

Live now is TechMarketView’s latest Infrastructure Operations Supplier Ranking 2021 report. Clients of the TechSectorViews research programme can read it here.tease

The report highlights the diversity of performance by the largest players in Infrastructure Operations with the Top 20 ranking reflecting the structural changes in the market. Established players have only moved ahead slightly or have declined in terms of revenue performance. Meanwhile, the hyperscalers continue to develop a significant presence. 2020 was a very good year for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, and this reports details both their size and growth in the UK.

During 2020, particularly during the early phase of pandemic, buyers reined in (where they could) spend on Heritage systems. Any upgrades, or expansions to contracts, were paused while organisations went into survival mode. Spend was diverted to services that were crucial to protecting the resiliency of the organisation and/or making serious inroads into digital transformation strategies. The upshot was that players without a significant element of New revenue were vulnerable. But just how bad did things get?

Take a look at UK Infrastructure Operations Supplier Rankings 2021 to understand more about the supplier landscape and competitive scene

Subscribers to TechMarketView's TechSectorViews research programme can download UK Infrastructure Operations Supplier Rankings 2021 now. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to find out how to gain access to this research and much more besides, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:30' - Tagged: cloud   automation   digital   AI   infrastructureoperations  

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