Monday 10 January 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* - Computacenter: Feeling fine at 40

cccIn October 2021, Computacenter turned 40 years old, and in many ways the company has changed considerably since its inception. A British brand, Computacenter now operates around the world, generating moreccc revenue outside of the UK than from it. It is unlike any other firm in TechMarketView’s ranking of IT Services players, with large revenue streams in both the resale and Services markets - the latter generating close to half a billion pounds.

To fully understand the firm of today, you need to understand its heritage. Computacenter was founded in 1981 by two British entrepreneurs: Philip Hulme and Peter Ogden. Forty years later and Hulme and Ogden are still substantial shareholders. Furthermore, their sustained presence - combined with that of long-term leaders Mike Norris and Tony Conophy - has materially shaped Computacenter’s strategy and culture over the years.

Computacenter now operates in multiple markets and is a world away from where it started as a British PC reseller. At the age of forty, life is good in many ways. For example, in 2018, it was presented with a TechMarketViewBoring Award”, which it still holds.

But like so many others, the firm faces some significant challenges in a market that is moving ever faster towards digital technologies.

In Computacenter: Feeling fine at 40, we look at how the firm has evolved, examine its performance, and consider its future.

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Posted by Kate Hanaghan at '09:30' - Tagged: cloud   connectivity   cyber   hybrid   datacentre  

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