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HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has announced that its arms-length in-house IT provider is to be disbanded. The department has stated that the move will help it to “take more control of IT strategy and estate”. Employees of the government-owned company will either be transferred into the department, becoming civil servants, or will go to a commercial provider via a TUPE arrangement. The roadmap will see the company close by the end of the Government’s fiscal year 2022/23.
In PublicSectorViews’ latest UKHotViewsExtra, Chief Analyst, Georgina O’Toole has examined the history of the organisation, the reasons for its establishment, and the challenges it has faced while in existence. She also considers what this means for other Government organisations. If you are a TechMarketView subscriber, you can read HMRC’s RCDTS closes in face of multiple challenges now. If you are not sure how to access this research – or anything else from TechMarketView, please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '06:49' - Tagged: centralgovernment skills digital public+sector