Wednesday 16 November 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* Supplier Rankings: The might of AWS

If you want to understand an industry where the established Infrastructure Operations players both compete and partner with the hyperscalers, read our UK Infrastructure Operations Rankings 2022.teaser

The report shows our Top 20 Ranking of Infrastructure Operations providers in the UK market, based on TechMarketView’s unique analysis. The ranking reflects a market where cloud, and other investments to create powerful, adaptive, and resilient Digital Foundations, are resolutely front of mind.

The hyperscalers are now a firm feature of the supplier landscape, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) the largest provider. However, both Microsoft and Google Cloud Platform are notable players, and the report shows their size and market share. Outside of the hyperscalers with their ‘hyper growth’, the IPPs have been faring very well. But who was the fastest growing last year?

UK Infrastructure Operations Rankings 2022 explains some of the market and industry features that are shaping the competitive scene, including acquisition activity by some of the players outside of the Top 20. It provides an easy-to-digest summary of the market alongside some of the factors that are either accelerating or constraining market growth.

UK Infrastructure Operations Rankings 2022 is available to TechMarketView subscribers that take our TechSectorViews research programme.

To find out more about our research and advisory services, please contact Deb Seth

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:30' - Tagged: research   infrastructure   ranking  

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