Tuesday 29 November 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* - IoT orchestration

The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly become one of the hottest areas of the technology sector with billions of dollars invested to date. IoT has the potential to transform most industries with millions of devices now connected via sensors collecting and sharing data in real time, all designed to make operations more intelligent and more efficient. However, it’s also an area that has been struggling to deliver on its potential, with a significant proportion of projects ‘failing’ and yet to deliver real returns on hefty levels of investment.

IoT OrchestrationIoT is at the heart of the convergence of IT and OT (Operational Technology). And here, one of the biggest challenges IoT faces is a significant problem integrating new technologies with old systems, from legacy scheduling, stores and work order systems in manufacturing through to CRM and order systems in retail, through to patient and appointment systems in healthcare. Until recently, industrial technology operated principally in silos and made entire production processes harder to manage. IoT changes this as connected sensors attached to nodes and devices within a network allow for data to be captured, visualised, and analysed. 

Another big challenge is the ability of bringing instant human experience and AI insights into IoT-initiated processes. For example, operations experts may receive lots of important IoT data that can prevent issues. But often the data is not simply understood, the context of the data is not obvious, or what options are available to address the issue. So, it’s too difficult to make quick decisions and turn these decisions into positive actions. However, it doesn’t come risk free – the coming together of IT and OT is potentially adding new vulnerabilities into networks that could potentially be targeted by cyber criminals.

Fixing this “interoperability” issue offers huge potential to increase returns from existing IoT investment and it’s why we caught up recently with Chris Lamberton, CEO of TrustPortal, a UK based HyperAutomation scale-up, that to date has cut its teeth targeting the contact centre and shared services environment.

If you are a subscriber to TechSectorViews click on the following link to access the report IoT Orchestration –  Getting the most out of IoT investment

If you don’t yet have a subscription and would like to gain access the report and our other research and services, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Marc Hardwick at '16:12' - Tagged: newresearch  

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