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It has been a volatile few months for the main tech indices, both here and in the US. And recent political uncertainty in the UK has played its part, with a weakened sterling making domestic tech companies into even more attractive takeover targets. The London IPO boom of 2021 is turning into a dash for the exit door in 2022.
Nonetheless there have been some strong performers across the UK listed sector, for those companies able to align their activities with investor expectations.
Predicting the direction of the tech stock markets is of course especially challenging in the current climate, with further volatility perhaps the only thing we can count on. And faced with so much uncertainty, communication between management and investors becomes more important than ever.
Subscribers to the TechMarketView Foundation Service and UKHotViews Premium can read more of the ups and downs of the UK quoted tech sector in the July-October edition of IndustryViews Quoted Sector, in a new HotViewsExtra format. Or for detailed commentary by month, see Share Performance in September 2022 and work back. The October 2022 round-up will be out shortly.
Posted by Tania Wilson at '15:17' - Tagged: markets macro