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TechMarketView’s UK Local & Regional Government Software and IT Services (SITS) Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts report is now available. It is the fourth of six subsector reports that follow our UK Public Sector Software & IT Services Suppliers Trends, & Forecasts report, which was published in July.
We have already published our subsector reports on Central Government, Defence and Health, and over the coming weeks we will also publish subsector reports for Education, and Police.
In this report you will find our analysis of the performance of the UK Local & Regional Government market in 2021. It also contains an update to our Top 10 SITS supplier rankings for the subsector, with analysis of what is driving each supplier’s performance, as well as an insight into those suppliers that are threatening to unseat the leading players.
We also look at the years ahead (2022-2025) with councils struggling to cope with the ongoing challenges of adult social care and the combined pressures of inflation, the energy crisis and national living wage implications. Given the scale of the challenges, councils will turn to digital technology to speed-up decision making, release valuable resources and increase citizen self-service.
PublicSectorViews suppliers can find out the size of the UK Local & Regional Government SITS market, its future growth, and who the leading suppliers are by downloading Local & Regional Government Software & IT Services Suppliers, Trends & Forecasts 2022-2025 today.
If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.
Posted by Dale Peters at '22:09' - Tagged: market+trends local+government public+sector supplier+rankings regional+government