Tuesday 30 July 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Enterprise Software Supplier Ranking 2019

imageOur eagerly awaited annual report ranking the top suppliers of Enterprise Software to the UK market is now available: Enterprise Software Supplier Ranking 2019

As suppliers work on their digital fitness, the latest ranking data reveals the impact on their performance and teases out some of the factors driving - and inhibiting - growth. With changes in year-on-year revenue ranging from -3% to +29% across the Top 20, there is wide variance in performance. Microsoft is not in imminent danger of being toppled from its position at the top of the ranking but cannot be complacent despite rampant adoption of its various cloud services. Indeed, none of the suppliers can take growth for granted. However, the suppliers in the lower half of the table outperform those in the top half and it is not just because it is easier to drive higher growth from a lower base. 

As more and more IT and business functions become automated and are either defined or driven by software and data, revenue is shifting into the enterprise software sector, supporting growth. However, there are plenty of counteracting forces keeping overall performance in check, not least the impact of SaaS as its approaches critical mass. 

Subscribers to TechMarketView ESASViews can download this ‘must read’ report now. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to know more about how to access our services, please email Deb Seth.

Posted by Angela Eager at '07:01' - Tagged: cloud   software   machinelearning   ranking  

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