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Our Application Services Supplier Ranking 2019 report is now available to download. This comprehensive analysis contains a view on the performance of each of the Top 20 UK suppliers in this arena, includes the ranking table showing estimated revenue and growth, provides insight into the dynamics shaping this market and highlights the up and coming players.
The UK Application Services (AS) market grew more strongly than expected in 2018. Aggregate growth across the Top 20 UK AS suppliers also bounced back in 2018 increasing by more than twice the rate of the prior year. Once again, however, the spoils were far from evenly distributed with changes in year-on-year revenue ranging from -5.4% to +31%.
While sales of all things digital related continued to gather momentum, their impact on the AS market was as we had anticipated. The above forecast market growth in 2018 was a result of two factors that are unlikely to repeat this year; a rare handful of megadeals in the applications operations and support arena and a negligible Brexit effect.
At its heart, the AS market continues to be shaped by the interaction of a complex set of countervailing forces. User demand is still being stoked by needs to invest in digital transformation, compliance and security. It is, however, simultaneously suppressed by skills shortages, relentless operational cost pressures and the perceived risks of and readiness for large scale change programmes. Beyond these, the wider macro-economic and political uncertainties pose a fickle, but ongoing threat to technology investment decisions. These dynamics will be with us for some time to come as the market transitions from simple to complex digital transformation.
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Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '06:51' - Tagged: applications suppliers ranking