Wednesday 24 July 2019

*UKHotViewsExtra* Public Sector Digital Transformation: Biggest barriers to progress ignored

Science & Tech Committee Digital Governement Report CoverOver the last few weeks we have seen the publication of several reports highlighting a slowdown in the UK Government’s digital transformation progress. Most notable was the publication of the findings of the Science & Technology Committee’s latest Digital Government Inquiry.

In this latest UKHotViewsExtra - Public Sector Digital Transformation: biggest barriers to progress ignored - TechMarketView’s Chief Analyst Georgina O’Toole argues that the public sector is not immune to Digital Chaos (a theme introduced in our UK SITS Market Trends & Forecasts report 2019-2022; in fact, the approach to digital government over the last decade has driven behaviours that are now preventing Government realising the greatest value from investment in emerging technologies.

Moving on from ‘simple digital’ (predominantly focused on front-end point solutions) to ‘complex digital’ (involving deep transformation of business processes across organisational boundaries) is crucial if we are to tackle some of the most pressing public sector challenges. However, we are at risk of burying our heads in the sand when it comes to the biggest political and cultural barriers to progress.

Subscribers to TechMarketView can read Public Sector Digital Transformation: biggest barriers to progress ignored now. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more about how to access this and a raft of other insightful analysis and research.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '12:07' - Tagged: publicsector   centralgovernment   health   government   digital   data  

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