Wednesday 27 November 2019

Bring your new recruits up to speed, fast

TechMarketVIew LogoYou’re shaking up the team. You’re bringing in fresh blood. It’s all part of transforming your organisation to compete effectively in a digitally driven market.

But as you expand the recruitment pool, to capture new capabilities, exceptional talent, and creative ways of thinking, chances are that many of your new recruits will have little or no experience of the UK ICT market.

Whether you are taking on graduates, apprentices or those that have, simply, never worked in UK tech before, you’ll be keen to ensure they understand the market in which they are operating.

Graduate in ICT

That’s where TechMarketView can help. Whether via a face-to-face presentation, a webinar, or a webcast/podcast, TechMarketView’s expert analyst team can provide essential insight into the UK market, the important trends, shifts in procurement, and the competitive landscape. 

If you want to find out more about our employee induction offerings, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:07' - Tagged: training  

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