Wednesday 06 November 2019

Check out the latest TechMarketView research

The excitement of Halloween, bonfire night and a looming election haven’t slowed the TechMarketView team down at all over the last few weeks. Check out highlights from our latest research below and make sure you haven’t missed a must-read:

FSV reportJon Davies examines the use of blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) within the financial services industry in his popular report Trade finance emerges as blockchain's new sweet spot. “Today, the global trade finance market has emerged as one of best proven and most widely adopted environments for the application of blockchain technology within financial services,” Davies writes. FinancialServicesViews subscribers can read the full report here

Subscribers to the Foundation Service and UKHotViews Premium - our service of individuals - can download the latest quarterly editions of two IndustryViews reports for analysis of Corporate Activity and the performance of the Quoted Sector in Q3: 

·      The first report reveals M&A activity in Q3 was at a lower level than the previous quarter with UK buyers undertaking the lowest number of transactions since Q1 2018. See the full report for the detailed analysis. 

·      The second report examines the mixed fortunes of UK tech stocks in Q3 as international trade tensions and talk of a global slowdown weighed on shares. The FTSE SCS index, a proxy for UK listed software and IT services companies, was the worst performer in the UK tech sector with a 17% fall. Read the full report to identify the ‘rising stars’ and ‘blazing comets’.

In addition, highlights from our UKHotViewsExtra coverage (accessible to all corporate subscribers and our growing band of UKHotViews Premium clients) include:

·      Marc Hardwick’s analysis of The use of AI in Legal and Compliance in conversation with Luis Parra, Head of Conduent Legal, Compliance, & Analytics Solutions, Europe.

·      Analysis of disruptive UK startup, Trad3r, as Jon Davies meets the company’s charismatic young founder and CEO, Gianni O’Connor. O’Connor has successfully raised around £1.2m in new funding and is on a mission to broaden the appeal of trading to a wider audience by gamifying the stock market experience. Read more in O’Connor and Trad3r look to change the rules.

·      And TechMarketView Chairman, Richard Holway MBE’s much anticipated analysis of Share Indices for October. Read why, when it comes to the future, even Richard admits “I haven’t really got a clue” here.

If you’re frustrated by your inability to access the in-depth TechMarketView research and analysis above, plus many hundreds more reports and articles, what are you waiting for? Contact Deb Seth for corporate subscription details or sign up to UKHotViews Premium here.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:59'

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