Monday 08 June 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Wipro: Delaporte’s Challenges – OffshoreViews Q1 2020

picCapgemini ex-Joint COO Thierry Delaporte will take the reins as Wipro’s first non-Indian CEO next month to try to boost growth and profitability. Read the latest edition of OffshoreViews to see why TechMarketView Managing Partner Anthony Miller believes the cards will be stacked against him succeeding where his predecessors have failed.

Now in a brand-new format, OffshoreViews includes our regular summary of the Indian heritage Provider (IHP) reporting season, along with insightful charts showing aggregate 3-year trends for the Top Tier players.

OffshoreViews is available exclusively to subscribers of the TechMarketView Foundation Service. Not a subscriber? Don’t be left straggling alone onshore – contact our Client Services team ( today to find out how you can get your ticket to India!

Posted by HotViews Editor at '14:54' - Tagged: offshore  

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