Search through our UKHotViews and UKHotViewExtra articles plus complete research reports
So far in June, TechMarketView’s amazing analysts have written 101 UKHotViews articles (no doubt at least 102 by the time you read this); by the end of the month we’ll have published over 1,100 of these articles in 2020 alone. This daily mix of news and views feeds into the library of over 20,000 articles that both our corporate and individual clients can search for the latest insight on a particular company or topic.
But in addition to UKHotViews (and of course our in-depth reports), we've also published a range of longer UKHotViewsExtra articles. Check out these highlights from the last few weeks:
If you are interested in the performance and outlook of share indices and the best and worst performing tech stocks, read the ever-popular share indices analysis from our esteemed Chairman Richard Holway MBE - Share Indices for May 20 and Share indices for April 20.
If you are keen to understand the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic is have on digital transformation in the NHS, check out - Accelerating NHS digital transformation during the pandemic, Saving time & improving the patient experience - Accelerating RPA adoption within the NHS, or Digital tech from DXC transforms mental health services.
If your interest lies in the financial services sector, make sure you don’t miss Brit and Google Cloud accelerate London Market transformation and Target B and The Mortgage Hub – designing a digital mortgage experience.
Or delve into our more in-depth coverage of a range of companies large and small; from innovative SMEs such as Methods (Methods passes £100m turnover milestone) and 2iC (2iC develops novel malaria detection and control strategy), to the likes of DXC (Salvino circles the wagons as DXC's decline accelerates) and Fujitsu (Fujitsu FY19: Improved customer connections and revenue mix.) All UKHotViewsExtra content - as well as those 20,000+ UKHotViews articles - is available to both TechMarketView corporate clients and individual, UKHotViews Premium clients. Just don’t forget to login before following the links! If you are an entrepreneur or tech professional interested in signing up to our UKHotViews Premium service now is a great time to do so – subscribe before 31st August 2020 and receive a FREE report on the impact of COVID-19. For more details see here.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:34' - Tagged: research