Wednesday 10 June 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* - Accelerating RPA adoption within the NHS

Blue PrismEarlier this year I interviewed NHS Robotic Process Automation (RPA) evangelist Darren Atkins – the Chief Technology Officer at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust on how automation has been gaining traction within the Health Service. (You can read the full interview here).

One of the most interesting aspects coming out of the interview was how Atkins had had the foresight to make sure the wider NHS was benefiting from his early automations, treating the NHS as a single organisation, and going on to help create a marketplace for sharing work across Trusts. This has now morphed into the NHS Digital Exchange, an “automation library” owned by the NHS and hosted by RPA software provider Blue Prism, making all the automation work done to date within East Suffolk and North Essex (and indeed elsewhere), freely available to any other healthcare organisation in the country currently utilising Blue Prism Cloud. This is now providing access to 40-plus pre-automated processes that can be downloaded and adapted to other Trusts, all designed to save time and money and avoid “wheels being reinvented”.

NHSSome 20 or so NHS Trusts have now joined this “community” of healthcare organisations sharing tried and tested automations to help accelerate and scale activity. The library of pre-built automation assets covers a broad range of processes from tackling enhanced access to services, and patient communication from admissions through to outpatient support. Automations enabling key back office support for things like recruitment, HR onboarding, and finance processing are also available. As each Trust contributes new assets into the growing library of automations, the benefit of RPA grows accordingly, helping speed things up and in turn deliver better value for money for the taxpayer.

This all sounded like such a good idea that we thought it worth a follow up conversation with some of the other NHS Trusts already making use of the common Blue Prism Cloud platform to get a better feel for how the exchange was working in practice……CLICK TO READ MORE

UKHotViews PremiumIf you are a subscriber – including those signed up for UKHotViews Premium – you can download the research note here. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Marc Hardwick at '08:00' - Tagged: cloud   health   automation   RPA  

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