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Overall control of the London Borough of Barnet was one of the Labour Party’s biggest scalps in May’s Local Elections. Barnet had long been controlled by the Conservative Party who back in 2012 had undertaken one of the largest and most ambitious outsourcing arrangements in Local Government as it moved towards a ‘commissioning council’ model. Fast forward ten years and the London Borough has now voted to bring its remaining outsourced services back in-house by 2026, as it puts in place a road map to end its strategic partnership with Capita.
Ten years ago, Capita signed one of the largest and most comprehensive outsourcing arrangements in local government that saw large swathes of Barnet’s services put into the private sector (see here). The arrangement known as the One Barnet programme (and nicknamed “EasyCouncil” in the local press as Barnet moved to delivering a basic ‘no frills’ service ala EasyJet) saw Barnet sign two large multi-year contracts with Capita. The first covered corporate services such as HR, finance, IT, and estates, as well as customer services and revenues and benefits, whilst the second (a partnership known as Regional Enterprise or RE for short) runs a range of regulated services including highways, planning, regeneration and development, and environmental health.
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Posted by Marc Hardwick at '09:21' - Tagged: contract insourcing local+government