Tuesday 05 September 2023

NEW RESEARCH: Market forecasts and analysis for UK Manufacturing tech spend

If you’re a supplier targeting the Manufacturing sector, TechMarketView’s latest market data and analysis makes for essential reading. 

Outlining the key market trends and analysing the size and growth expectations of the sector over the mancoming years, Market Trends & Forecasts: UK Manufacturing, will help you prepare and plan for success.  

Manufacturing is transforming from a reactive and conservative industry to one that is primed to explore the benefits of new technologies. As a result, the UK Software and IT Services market will be worth £10.5bn in 2023. Spend continues to tip away from heritage tech towards new digital technology. Indeed, an estimated c.60% of spend will be ploughed into new technology underpinning Industry 4.0. innovation.

The creation of Smart, sustainable products using Smart, sustainable methods means that manufacturing is in increasing need of new digital engineering skill sets and will be looking for tech partners to provide guidance and manpower.

Crucially, investment in Industry 4.0. opens up new buying centres for UK Software and IT Services suppliers, with ultimate technology budget control often sitting with the IT department, acting in partnership with factory system operations.

This Manufacturing report is part of a much broader analysis of the sectors that constitute the UK Software and IT Services landscape. Read Market Trends and Forecasts 2023 for more on the market as a whole.

Market Trends and Forecasts 2023 – and its sister report UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023 – are ONLY available to members of TechMarketView’s Foundation Service Programme.

To check whether your organisation has access, please contact Belinda Tewson.
To become a member of the Foundation Service, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:15' - Tagged: manufacturing   data   Industry4.0   factories  

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