Tuesday 12 September 2023

NEW PODCAST: Spotting sewage from space (interview with CGI and Ordnance Survey)

TechMarketView has launched a new podcast series called Totally Sust to accompany the Sustainabilty Technology Activity Index, featuring interiews with key players in the sustainability technology space.

In episdode 1, Craig Wentworth talks to Mattie Yetta (Chief Sustainability Officer at CGI) and Donna Lyndsay (Strategic Market Lead for Environment & Sustainability at the Ordnance Survey) about their joint project using geospatial, AI, and IoT technologies that remotely detect and predict water pollution events.

Listen below to find out how this SEEDS Programme initiative can spot sewage from space!

Podcast link

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '23:13' - Tagged: space   geospatial   SEEDS  

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