Thursday 07 September 2023

NEW RESEARCH: Market forecasts and analysis for Telco, Tech, & Media

If you’re a supplier targeting the Telecoms, Technology, & Media sector, TechMarketView’s latest market data and analysis makes for essential reading.

Outlining the key market trends and analysing the size and growth expectations of the sector over the coming years, Market Trends & Forecasts: Telecoms, Technology, & Media, will help you plan for success.  telco

Many habits adopted by consumers during the pandemic – such as media subscriptions – have stuck, with social platforms now serving as both content hubs and ecommerce sites. Yet cost-of-living increases are beginning to bite and consumers are both more cost conscious and seeking better experiences and value.

The Telco ecosystem is becoming increasingly complex, with a mix of technology players, traditional network operators, Altnets, IoT companies, and system integrators all vying for market share. Opportunity abounds for vendors who can help manage and orchestrate the complexity of these ecosystems.

This Telco, Tech, & Media report is part of a much broader analysis of the sectors that constitute the UK Software and IT Services landscape. Read Market Trends and Forecasts 2023 for more on the market as a whole.

Market Trends and Forecasts 2023 – and its sister report UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023 – are ONLY available to members of TechMarketView’s Foundation Service Programme.

To check whether your organisation has access, please contact Belinda Tewson.
To become a member of the Foundation Service, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:45' - Tagged: media   trends   telecoms   marketdata   technology  

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