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Public sector organisations have faced, and will continue to face, enormous challenges dealing with the COVID-19 crisis; however, the impact has not been felt evenly.
New digital services have been introduced to the NHS at a speed that would have been unthinkable previously; education institutions have closed and universities face significant financial difficulties; local authorities are dealing with major changes to powers and duties; police have been helping to enforce the lockdown; central government civil servants have been increasingly engaged in dealing with the impact of the outbreak; and defence, arguably the least impacted, has still faced significant IT, security and workforce challenges.
Although some IT projects will be delayed or cancelled, it is clear COVID-19 will be a catalyst for accelerated digital transformation in the public sector. There will be opportunities for suppliers, but success will depend on reputation, empathy, collaboration and flexibility. Forward thinking suppliers should be considering how the public sector will operate post-COVID-19; in most cases it’s not about returning to the previous ways of working.
If you are an existing PublicSectorViews subscriber, you can now read about the impact COVID-19 has had on central government, local government, health, defence, education and police. COVID-19: The impact on UK public sector software and IT services also provides TechMarketView’s predictions for the impact over the remainder of 2020 and longer term, as well as presenting our recommendations for software and IT services suppliers operating in the public sector.
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Posted by Dale Peters at '09:54' - Tagged: centralgovernment localgovernment defence education police health government covid-19