Friday 15 May 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Graph databases: Weaving frictionless business; accelerating AI/ML

Cover imageAs TechMarketView considers the impact of COVID-19 on the UK tech market, one area we are exploring is the types of technology organisations could turn to, to address operational strengths and weaknesses uncovered during the initial COVID-19 response and enable them to do things differently in the recovery phase. One technology emerging into the light is the graph database. 

Read Graph databases: Weaving the frictionless business; accelerating AI/ML for our analysis of the potential of this technology. 

Defined by the ability to handle multi-faceted relationships between data entities, this characteristic is valuable in situations where the connections between the data are as, or more, important than the individual data points: contact tracing for disease control for example; understanding how influencers connect to the decision making processes when approaching a prospective customer, or deepening the quality of the relationship with an existing client; making sense of behavioural change. TechMarketView also believes graph databases and analytics has a role to play in accelerating the adoption and operationalisation of AI/Machine Learning. 

The technology is not a silver bullet course, and will add to the database estate rather than replace stalwart relational databases, but the ability to handle complex connections and surface relationship-based insights stands to bring a new dimension to data and contribute to the fabric of digitally enabled frictionless operations. 

TechMarketView TechSectorViews clients can download the report here. Alternatively, email Deb Seth if you are not a client and would like details of how to access TechMarketView research and surrounding services. 

Posted by Angela Eager at '08:11' - Tagged: software   automation   machinelearning   database  

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