Wednesday 22 June 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* Technology Services Framework Review: 2021-22

CCS logoTechMarketView has been working with the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) to explore some of its technology framework data. Today, we’re looking at Technology Services 3 (TS3) and its previous iterations, Technology Services (TS) and Technology Services 2 (TS2).

TS (RM1058) was launched in May 2015; it was succeeded by TS2 (RM3804) in September 2017; and then TS3 (RM6100) in July 2021. The frameworks are intended to provide access to technology strategy and service design, as well as services to provide support with moving to the operational running of an IT estate. It also provides support for large projects, up to top secret classification and a range of other technology services.

TS Framework Front CoverThis data-driven report takes a similar approach to our recent Digital Future Review of the G-Cloud and DOS frameworks, which was published last month. This time, we look at how spending has increased over the three iterations of the Technology Services framework, including which areas of the public sector are using it for their technology procurement, who the biggest spenders are, which suppliers are performing the best, SME spend, and much more.

If you are an existing PublicSectorViews subscriber, you can access further analysis and charts now. If you’d like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.

Posted by Dale Peters at '09:28' - Tagged: research   framework   data   ccs   technology+services  

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