Thursday 25 August 2022

*UKHotViews Extra* My chat with Sophie and Dave about Roleshare

The unspoken promise I make to all entrepreneurs is that if they think I’ve got the wrong end of the stick when I write about their business they should just give me a call.

I get many calls.

But very few because I got the wrong end of stick. It’s usually because there’s much more to the story than is in the public domain. I feel privileged that founders allow me a ‘peek under the kimono’ not generally afforded to other analysts, strictly on a ‘not for publication’ basis.

logoHence the chat I had with Sophie and Dave Smallwood, the ‘Mrs. & Mr.’ founders and co-CEOs of London-based job-sharing marketplace Roleshare which I wrote about the other day (see Host of angels bless job share recruiter Roleshare with further funding).

My ‘lightbulb moment’ on the call was when Dave said this: “We are the only platform in the world today where two people can apply for one job.”

And I think there’s good reasons why!

TechMarketView subscription service clients and UKHotViews Premium subscribers can read about my chat with Mrs and Mr Smallwood and the challenges for Roleshare on UKHotViews Extra.

Posted by Anthony Miller at '20:16' - Tagged: funding   startup   recruitment  

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