Thursday 04 August 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* UK SITS Consulting Supplier Rankings 2022

Our UK SITS Consulting Supplier Ranking report for 2022 is now available by clicking here. It features the UK Top 20 UK Software & IT Services (SITS) Consulting supplier ranking, by revenue.

2021 saw a surge in demand for SITS Consulting services in the UK as enterprises of all hues increasingly soughtCover external advice as they raced to enhance their resilience on multiple fronts. Answering the question of how best to do this at pace provided an unprecedented opportunity for SITS consultancies large and small. The market acceleration which began following the initial COVID lockdown gathered momentum during the succeeding months driving sales of these offerings here up by some 13% yoy last year to just shy of £3.5bn.

At a headline level, the Top 20 UK SITS Consulting suppliers grew significantly faster than the sector as a whole in 2021. Stripping out the impact of acquisitions, however, this community saw their combined revenues rise broadly in line with the improvement in demand for the sector as a whole. There were, nonetheless, both big winners and significant losers in the battle for market share in this arena last year. The new report both details the variations in performance across the Top 20 Consulting suppliers and highlights the factors impacting the market during 2022 and beyond.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's TechSectorViews research stream can download the UK SITS Consulting Supplier Ranking research now. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to find out how to gain access to this research and much more besides, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '07:19' - Tagged: consulting   rankings   suppliers   newresearch  

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