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Live now is TechMarketView’s most recent analysis of the key trends and dynamics in the UK Infrastructure Operations market.
Authored by Kate Hanaghan, Chief Research Officer, “Infrastructure Operations: Market Trends and Forecasts” explains TechMarketView’s latest market size and growth data and provides expert analysis of the key trends shaping this exciting area of IT Services.
Infrastructure Platform services continue to expand as a share of the total market, with important implications for hyperscalers and their partner ecosystems. Indeed, such is the position of the hyperscalers, that Ofcom recently said it was “concerned” about Microsoft and Amazon Web Services.
“Infrastructure Operations: Market Trends and Forecasts” provides recommendations and considerations for how suppliers should approach the market to maximise their success against a backdrop characterised by both complexity and opportunity.
Who should read the report?
If you would like a more customised view of your company’s position, please contact the author.
Contact Deb Seth if you are not a TechSectorViews client and would like to access the report.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:30' - Tagged: cloud research