Monday 19 June 2023

New TechMarketView Market Forecasts coming soon….

Judging by our mail bag, there is great anticipation ahead of the launch of our latest and completely refreshed Software and IT Services UK market data!MTF

Market Trends & Forecasts 2023 is a significant undertaking and draws on a large range of data points and research interviews. TechMarketView’s analysts use our unique and carefully developed research methodology; we pride ourselves on our rigour and market knowledge, along with our ability to decipher complex trends and provide clear advice to our clients. 

As well as getting a comprehensive view of the current market scene, our analysis will help you understand how we expect to see the markets evolve in coming years.

TechMarketView’s unique Digital Evolution Model (DEM), provides depth of insight across the Consulting, Solutions, and Operations segments of the market. It also provides UK market and growth data for Cybersecurity.

For added depth of insight, we provide data for all the major industry sectors, including Public Sector where TechMarketView is a key advisor to buyers and suppliers alike.

To make sure you can access the most comprehensive analysis of the UK market when it is launched on 28th June, make sure you’re a member of our Foundation Service programme.

Contact Deb Seth for more information.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:30' - Tagged: forecasts   marketdata  

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