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This week, TechMarketView released its annual Market Trends and Forecasts 2023 report for Foundation Service members.
Several months in the making, the report draws on TechMarketView’s unique combination of data and analysis, but also its relationships within the UK market.
We would therefore like to extend a special thanks to the CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, CFOs and their respective teams for their time and invaluable inputs during the research process.
This year’s analysis is FASCINATING. It shows that in 2022 (the last full year of analysis), the market grew at its fastest rate for more than a decade - up 12.2% to £67.7bn. Furthermore, over the course of the next three years, spend on digital products and services will increase from c.56% of the market today to c.72% of the total UK SITS market in 2026.
For those of you that want to get straight to the heart of the data model, go to UK SITS Market Forecasts 2023 (Excel) and get stuck into the numbers to understand how TechMArketView sees the various market segments unfolding.
Market Trends and Forecasts 2023, and its sister report, UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023, are ONLY available to members of our Foundation Service Programme.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:15' - Tagged: software marketdata