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TechMarketView's review of spending via G-Cloud in 2023–24 is now available.
The report covers spending trends through this Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework over the 12 months ended 31 March 2024, including analysis of lots, supplier size, leading suppliers and buyers, and subsector (central government, defence, health, etc.) variability.
Analysis reveals G-Cloud spend was up by just 0.1% year-on-year to £3,008m (2022-23: £3,005m). Central Government accounted for 49% of spend during the period, the lowest proportion of total annual G-Cloud spend Central Government has represented since the framework launched.
The biggest G-Cloud spenders were the Department for Work & Pensions, Home Office, HM Revenue & Customs, and Ministry of Justice, all of which spent over £100m over the year.
One supplier achieved income in excess of £250m via G-Cloud in 2023–24; this was more than the next five suppliers combined. The Top 20 suppliers (in terms of income) saw their combined income drop by 8%; they accounted for 29% of total spend during the year. Combined income for the suppliers outside the Top 20 was up 4% year-on-year.
If you are an existing PublicSectorViews subscriber, you can access further analysis and charts in our G-Cloud - Framework Spending Review 2023–24 report now.
If you'd like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.
Posted by Dale Peters at '10:17' - Tagged: research government framework g-cloud data+insights