Friday 10 December 2021

UK Public Sector Predictions: Building National Resilience

Public Sector Predictions 2022 Report CoverAs highlighted with the launch of our 2022 Research Theme – Building Resilience – the UK’s national resilience has been tested throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: the economy was disrupted, supply chains were impacted, and systems, procedures and processes were put under strain.

As we head into 2022, TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team believes that many of the trends we will witness will relate to the UK Government’s determination to strengthen our national resilience. That will mean a focus on an array of types of resilience and technology will play its part across the board.

In our UK Public Sector Predictions, we have considered how the tech market will be impacted by: the pursuit of financial and economic resilience and the desire to ‘Build Back Better’; of strategic and operational resilience and the desire to be able to plan more effectively and develop policy dynamically and at pace; of ICT & cyber resilience and the need to respond to increased vulnerability; of workforce and supplier resilience and the need to continue delivering public services despite a dearth of resource; of societal & community resilience and the increasing acceptance of the benefits of an integrated ‘whole-of-society’ approach, e.g. in crisis planning; of environmental resilience and the need to adapt to climate change; and of supply chain resilience and the increasing frequency of supply chain disruption.  

Our analysis shows that, as public sector organisations seek to strengthen their ability to respond to these wide-ranging challenges, there are some common threads. There will need to be improved collaboration and integration, not just across Government, but with the wider public sector, industry, and the voluntary sector. There will need to be a coordinated response across national and local government organisations. And there will need to be far better use of data so that public sector organisations, communities, and individuals can effectively anticipate, react, and recover from shocks. Our PublicSectorViews team has identified the tech opportunities that will arise as a result, giving you a better chance to plan ahead and be a beneficiary of related public sector spend.

TechMarketView subscribers can read UK Public Sector Predictions for 2022: Building National Resilience now. If you are not yet a subscriber or are not sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth now to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '08:00' - Tagged: predictions   public+sector  

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