Thursday 23 December 2021

*UKHotViewsExtra* Carbon spotlight swinging towards AI/ML technology

As we highlighted in our Top Ten Tech Predictions for 2022, the carbon footprint spotlight is swinging towards AI/ML technology as sustainability considerations reach deeper into all areas of business, economy, society - and technology. logoAI/ML is both angel and demon when it comes to carbon emissions – it has an expanding carbon footprint itself as a result of increased development, model training and usage, yet also plays a role in helping reduce carbon emissions. AI/ML’s carbon footprint is an important topic and one that we’ll no doubt address through 2022. In the meantime, a conversation with Yonatan Geifman, CEO and co-founder of deep learning Tel Aviv startup, provides initial food for thought around designing models for efficiency and how carbon impact is not restricted to model training. The positive news is that improved efficiency can also be better for the environment. 

Check out Carbon spotlight swinging towards AI/ML technology for more on this topic. 

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Posted by Angela Eager at '08:19' - Tagged: startup   AI   sustainability  

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