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TechMarketView’s Immersive Customer Experiences: Progress, Possibilities and Prognosis report is now live for our subscribers.
Two years ago, expectations regarding the transformative impact of immersive technologies on Customer Experience had reached a fevered pitch. Announcements of intended investments by service providers in the arena totalled billions of dollars and immersive start-ups were attracting stratospheric valuations.
As the realities of cost, technical limitations, and integration challenges bit quickly, however, peak immersive hype was soon reached. Despite the subsequent cooling of Extended Reality market ardour, there remains a strong case to suggest that the future of CX is immersive.
This new research contains our analysis of the progress that the leverage of immersive technologies has made in the CX arena together with examples of the uses to which they are being put. The commentary also considers “where next?” for immersive CX and looks at the emerging technologies that are likely to impact developments in this arena in the years ahead.
If you are a subscriber to TechSectorViews, download the Immersive Customer Experiences: Progress, Possibilities and Prognosis report today. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to gain access the report and our other research and services please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '08:05' - Tagged: newresearch immersivetechnologies customer+experience