Sunday 01 December 2019

Share indices for November 19

As I have said countless times in my monthly review of the share indices (See Share Indices October 19 and work back) the UK - indeed the world - is not only in about its most unpredictable phase ever but there always seems to be more on the ‘Bad News’ pile than in the ‘Good’. So, it has been a constant surprise to me that the share indices we track just seem to go up and up regardless. November just continued that trend:

  • NASDAQ up ANOTHER 4.9% making a massive 31% gain YTD
  • FTSE SCS Index (that most closely tracks the UK-quoted software and IT Services stocks that we cover at TechMarketView)  is up ANOTHER 7.6% - making an equally massive 26.5% gain YTD
  • Even the FTSE100 put on 1.4% in November making a pretty impressive 9.2% gain YTD. You don’t get that in a Savings account - and remember that’s before dividend yield.

HVPFor the full, detailed Review of Share Price Performance in November 19, See HotViews Extra. Plus views for The future..

Also watch out for the End of December Review of Share Performance for 2019 as a whole including the Annual Review of the Holway Portfolio. Not to be missed!

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Posted by Richard Holway at '15:55'

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