Wednesday 18 December 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Public Sector Predictions 2020

In 2020, we will be examining the disorder associated with the rush toward the digital transformation of public services and how suppliers can position themselves to help public sector organisations tame the Digital Chaos (see Launching TechMarketView 2020 Research Theme: Digital Chaos). TechMarketView’s Public Sector Predictions 2020 considers some of the key trends, many of which are interlinked, we will experience over the next 12 months and beyond.

Cover ImageDigitisation in the public sector has taken place, but it’s often a thin veneer on top of a deep legacy substratum. We expect further progress in 2020 as we enter a period of renewed investment in public services, but without sufficient planning there is a risk that digitisation efforts will aggravate the problem of Digital Chaos, not alleviate it. The rapid expansion in digital services, applications and data will also create new ethical concerns e.g. bias and privacy, and generate new vulnerabilities.

Taming the Digital Chaos in the public sector will be no easy task, but, if public sector SITS suppliers have the requisite skills and capabilities in place, there will be opportunities across the following themes:  

  • Market uncertainties start to recede
  • Service design requirements intensify
  • Cloud will both aggravate and alleviate Digital Chaos
  • Demand for prediction and prevention solutions grows
  • The ethics of AI faces further scrutiny
  • Cyber security rises to the top of the agenda

PublicSectorViews’ clients can download our full predictions here: Public Sector Predictions 2020.

Please contact Deb Seth for further information about TechMarketView’s subscription services.

Posted by Dale Peters at '09:02' - Tagged: cloud   predictions   research   government   digital   transformation   ethics  

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