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Matt Hancock reaffirmed his priorities for England’s health and care system yesterday as he returned as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, in his words, ‘energised, excited and absolutely determined’ to meet the commitments the new Conservative government has made.
In a speech at the Policy Exchange the Secretary of State set out his vision afresh: a ‘bold, confident and ambitious’ long-term plan for health and social care. To the existing priorities for the health and care system – Prevention, People and Technology – Hancock added a fourth, Infrastructure, ‘because buildings matter too’. This capital investment is, as previously announced, underpinned by a financial commitment to the NHS Long Term Plan of an extra £33.9 billion every year within the next five years.
Given the high priority placed on the NHS by the electorate; the funding the government has promised; and the importance of technology in delivering the policy outcomes, it should come as no surprise that we expect health to be the fastest growing area of the UK public sector tech market over the next few years (see the UK Public Sector SITS Market Trends & Forecasts 2019-2022 report if you subscribe to PublicSectorViews). But what can we learn about the government’s policies and priorities from Matt Hancock’s first speech since regaining the post of Secretary of State for Health and Social Care?
For software and IT services (SITS) suppliers, there was reassuring news that technology remains absolutely central to the government’s plans for health and care. The next five years will, according to Hancock, see continuous upgrades: “We’re going to double down on the tech agenda and bring the NHS into the 21stcentury.” More…..
All TechMarketView subscription clients, including our individual UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can access Tola’s full report in today’s UKHotViewsExtra article: Hancock doubles down on tech in the NHS.
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Posted by Tola Sargeant at '09:07' - Tagged: socialcare policy healthcare