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What will it take to move AI/ML to the next level of adoption? Explainable AI and MLOps are where Google Cloud and Microsoft are putting their bets at the moment.
AI/ML adoption rates are rising but with so many organisations still struggling to scale out across processes, workflows and enterprise operations, many endeavors get caught at the discreet and departmental implementation levels.
The challenge suppliers face is supporting organisations in their move to the next level: the shift to advanced, enterprise scale AI/ML implementations where the technology is widely used across the business. Key to this shift is support for the different types of user communities (from data scientists and data engineers to LoB and domain experts), accessible tools for development and deployment, and self-service enablement.
In short, operationalising AI/ML is the crux of enabling next level adoption and the subject of the recently published Microsoft and Google Cloud: Operationalising AI/ML report.
The report examines the AI/ML approaches adopted by Microsoft and Google Cloud (both of whom are formidable forces in this area), how they stack up against each other and what they are doing to help customers bring the technology into widespread operational deployment – e.g. AI/ML automation, MLOps and explainable AI/ML. We anticipate carrying out a similar analysis on Amazon Web Services (AWS) following its December 2019 re:Invent conference.
TechMarketView subscribers can download the report here. If you don’t have access to our services, Deb Seth will be happy to provide the information you need.
Posted by Angela Eager at '08:19' - Tagged: software AI machinelearning data digitalchaos