Monday 16 December 2019

**NEW RESEARCH** 2020 Vision – Forecasting the Future

Richard Holway, Chairman of TechMarketView, has been producing predictions entitled 2020 Vision for much of the last two decades. Most notably in 2003, 2006 and 2009. Now that year is almost upon us.

In 2020 Vision - Forecasting the Future, Holway revisits the technology predictions he has made over the years and assesses how right – or wrong – he was. He looks in particular at the UK Software and IT Services sector.

And what of the forthcoming decade? This research note also sees Holway look out to 2030, where he believes that fears over the environment will create major opportunities - particularly affecting all aspects of travel.

2020 Vision - Forecasting the Future is part of TechMarketView’s series of Predictions for next year and is accesible by all TechMarketView subscribers including our growing band of UKHotViews Premium clients. Read our Top Ten Predictions for 2020 here, and look out for our Public Sector and Financial Services Sector Predictions later this week.

If you're not yet a client and you'd  like details of our 2020 subscription packages please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:22' - Tagged: cloud   robotics   AI   machinelearning   data  

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