Wednesday 03 March 2021

*NEW RESEARCH* Making a Difference with SustainabilityTech

The stark warning from the science community is that we have less than 10 years to halve greenhouse gas emissions and avoid global warming of above 1.5° - anything above this will cause dangerous impacts to kick in. Technology is part of the problem, but can also contribute to efforts to reduce human impact on the environment. 

Making a Difference with SustainabilityTech report coverWhether it’s described as GreenTech or SustainabilityTech, the purpose is the same: the use of technology to enable individuals, organisations and governments to meet sustainability objectives. In the context of this background, there is a growing role for IT suppliers to provide the tools and solutions to facilitate the protection, conservation and replenishment of natural resources and the environment; the reduction or mitigation of negative impacts from human activity; and the drive towards more sustainable ways of living through reuse and renewables.

The just published Making a Difference with SustainabilityTech research note provides a snapshot of this fast moving sector, gauging current activity among UK sustainability-focused  startups and the innovative solutions they bring to tackle real problems. It also explores the industry sectors targeted and the types of technology – and technology combinations - being applied.

As well as being necessary for the planet, increasing activity around IT-supported sustainability is opening up new business opportunities for software and services suppliers. A credible sustainability approach will help attract new and retain existing clients, the lack of one carries the very real risk losing them.

TechMarketView subscribers: click HERE to download the report. If you don’t subscribe to our services and would like to find out more about them please reach out to Deb Seth

Posted by Angela Eager at '17:52' - Tagged: software   startups   sustainability  

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